Design And Technology Activities For Kids At Home
Identifying Animals
can support children to learn more about habitats and to identify and name a variety of plants and animals in different habitats, including micro-habitats.
"We raced down the streets and pathways. Bottle tops for headlights, lights flashing. When the sun set, the race was over. Odongo and I always lingered on for a while. Somehow solemnly aware that we would remember these days for the rest of our lives."- Topha
A boy from Uganda, a wire car he loved very much.
He called her Maleng, meaning beautiful.
One day, Maleng got stolen from him. Here's what happened next...
Imagine it... Build It!
Individuals or teams learn how to build a wire car after their favourite car models.
Imagine and Build your working car using wires, tape, bottle-tops, bottles and sticks.
You can choose to work as individuals or in teams.
Learn more
Build Anything... From Wire!
Transform wire into incredible toys and art. Let your imagination run wild!
Stuck on where to begin? Get inspiration from our ideas below...