<div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left"><span style="font-size: 1.25rem; color: rgb(63, 83, 110)">In this series, we explore African traditional oral storytelling and the influences that shaped this tradition. </span></p><br></div>,

African Oral Literature

In this series, we explore African traditional oral storytelling and the influences that shaped this tradition.

March- April  2024


Music has been a versatile and powerful medium throughout history, serving diverse purposes, from storytelling and cultural expression to offering solace and hope during challenging times.

Its ability to evoke emotions, convey narratives, and foster a sense of connection makes it a valuable and integral part of the human experience.

There are moments when we may not fully understand the complexities of music, yet we deeply connect with its essence.

We invite you to join us in this shared experience of connection between the past and the present, transcending language barriers and resonating on a level beyond our conscious understanding.


The words we use, the stories we tell, and how language shapes our thoughts play a crucial role in our understanding of reality. 

This series explores the intricate fabric woven by language and oral tradition.

Language is viewed as a tool that conveys information and carries cultural symbols, structures, and patterns.

Similarly, oral tradition, which includes storytelling, is a significant aspect of how cultures express, preserve, and transmit their beliefs and values.

This series seeks deep insights into how these elements work together by delving into the intricate fabric woven by language and oral tradition and how they collectively shape cultural worldviews.